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Name: Corina Liew/ 翠蓮
Country: Singapore/ 新加坡
Birthday: 18 November
Horoscope: Scorpio
Email: corina201@yahoo.com
MSN: corina.201@hotmail.com
我的微薄: http://t.sina.com.cn/corinaliew



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Friday, June 25, 2010 @ 8:38 PM

這一趟台灣之旅, 過得非常開心與充實!雖然說能夠與大東的合照是全程的最大福利,不過呢~因爲有這一群陪我一起度過這匆匆忙忙之旅的朋友們~~我這一趟的行程才比較精彩,謝謝你們!!




噢~ 對了~必須把這版權發給她 ~最佳偷拍技術!!!因爲我們輪流著看管東西,可能悶得發狂的時刻,竟然讓她找到消磨時間的好辦法。哈哈哈~這是我借用她的妙想拍到的“好東西”~~



Nicole (新加坡):這位美姐,我真的服了她的膽量~你絕對無法想像,這是她第一次追星,因爲“手法”太“熟練”了。。。哈哈哈哈~就是那麽有自信!東對她的印象,應該會很深刻~

Nicole(香港):雖然是匆匆的打了招呼,不過真的很高興能與你正式見面。我與你好像是在去年台北演唱會的時候認識的,記得你當時因爲准証的問題,臨時無法出席演唱會, 所以就托我把禮物遞交給大東。人雖然無法出席~禮物還是得送上~讚~


Aor:這位妹妹啊~在東的面前,永遠就是那麽真,那麽的直接,從不做作。盡然有辦法直接告訴大東,他所佩戴的紅色隱形眼鏡不適合他,我們那位瀟灑哥當時一定是“極爲傷心”的。這還不算什麽,Aor還直接讚Amos的粉絲越來越多(是不是這樣啊?),天啊~ 哈哈哈哈!

Larien: 雖然她說她叫Amy,我還是覺得Larien比較適合她~嘻嘻嘻嘻~獨特~精通華語的泰國粉絲,有時候被她的舉動,逗得超開心的。

Amelia: 來自大馬的甜姐兒,在所有合照當中,最喜歡她與東的那張,東與她的笑容,太燦爛了~羡慕~~~

Emily:唉呀~ 咱們的艾米莉小姐~ 來匆匆,去也匆匆。都沒什麽機會與她多聊幾句~~東記得她的名字~ 我那天沒有看錯啦~ 東在臺上向她打招呼之後,還用唇語念了她的名字。嘻嘻嘻嘻~~

Joey: 因爲父親在台灣公幹,她也到那兒念書了~羡慕煞了~~

Geraldine: 我們兩堅持不看她們所介紹的韓劇,是我們太執著了嗎? 哈哈哈~

小何:還好有他這位Number One司機,為我們策劃了整個行程,還特地為我們的荷包著想,不讓我們浪費多餘的錢。有他~ 我放心!

朋友:這一趟行程, 因爲太匆忙,就只能與你相聚那珍貴的半個小時,真的感到有點遺憾。謝謝你為大家準備的糕點,已經分了給朋友們吃了~~很有特色的糕點!謝謝你哦~~

當然沒有忘記一般無法一起到場與我們一起瘋的朋友們:月亮小姐-Jessie, Miss Please Please-Cindy, Ms Noona Wong-Winnie, Karen, Jocelin, Fiona, December, Pui Cheng, Jaymee, Tricia,。。。哎喲~太多了啦! 如果你的名字沒有在裏頭,並不是我忘了你,就Email我~ 讓我把你的名字加上去吧!

大家~因爲支持同個偶像~ 而湊在一塊!
大家~ 因爲願意分享快樂~ 而相處融洽!
大家~ 因爲不討論資深~~ 而互相尊重!
所以大家, 讓我們為我們之間的友誼高呼一聲:“友誼萬歲!”

也不得不感謝,把我們湊在一起的汪東城~ 汪大帥!!


I had been telling my friends and colleagues, I truly enjoyed the recent trip to Taiwan. Not only because I got to take a picture with Jiro, but the main reason should be the group of friends who had accompanied me for this trip.

Janelle: Still remembered a few months back, when she mentioned about her trip to Taiwan, and her wish to meet Jiro in person, she was so unsure of what was going to happen. As the schedules of the autograph sessions were not announced yet, I still remembered how I had been assuring her that things would work out just fine.

When the schedules were released~ we were overjoyed! Yes~we could get a chance to attend events together. And she sure was a lucky gal~ her very first time attending such events and she got a chance to take a picture with Jiro too!!

And I need to grant this copyright to Janelle~ the skill of taking sneak shots~As we need to take turns to look our our stuff, Janelle shared with us her how she past her time there while waiting~heehee~

Amongst my group of friends who adore Jiro, there are 3 Nicole, shall identify them by their countries.

Nicole (Malaysia):  Because of her strong support for Jiro, though she could only attend the first of the three autograph sessions, she still went ahead to book her flight. I understand how she felt, it is Jiro's first solo autograph session, she needs to be present to support, regardless of the many hurdles she may need to overcome to be present.

Nicole (Singapore): Nobody would believe that this is the first time that she followed such events~ her charm, her confidence, her guts (heehee~ only our group would know what she went through), I am sure Jiro would have an impression of her.

Nicole (Hong Kong): Though it was only a very short "hello", but I am glad that I finally got to meet the Nicole whom I had been chatting with online since last October.

Rendy: Our group's very own professional photographer, her strength: Determination to complete her tasks. With her around, no worries of not getting good pictures or videos.

Aor: I am totally amazed by the gut of this young lady~ Aor "Is that red contact lenses you are wearing?" Jiro" Oh! Yes~ Do you like it?" Our dear Aor shook her head "No~~~" Jiro must have been so demoralised at that moment~~hahahah. And to add salt to the wound, she commented that Amos' fans are increasing..Oh my God! If our poor boy had heard this~ he might be wandering~ what have I done to deserve this? hahahahha ~

Larien: Though she told me her name is Amy, I still prefer to call her Larien~ her uniqueness deserves a unique name. Her ability to be able to converse in Mandarin with Jiro is truly an added advantage. And this girl takes good photos too~~

Amelia: Amongst the group of polaroid pictures taken with Jiro, I loved Amelia's one the most~ reason being the smiles on both of them~totally mesmerised by it~

Emily: Did not get much opportunity to chat with our forever so busy Emily. Jiro greeted her at Kaoshiung session, yes, he remembered her very well.

Joey: Her current stint of getting a chance to stay in Taiwan for so long- makes me so envious of her~ How I wish I have such opportunity too.

Geraldine: Our reluctance to watch the Korean Drama which the gang was trying to sell~ yes ~ we sure are very FOCUSSED!!!

Xiao He: Our number one cabby~ with him to plan our travelling schedules, I would have no worries.

My dear friend: A real pity that I only managed to get a chance to chat with you for that half an hour, and thank you for the goodies which you had specially bought for us,distributed to the group, the goodies were delicious. Thank you~~

Of course I have not forgotten our group of friends who did not manage to join us for this trip: Jessie, Miss Please Please-Cindy, Ms Noona Wong-Winnie, Karen, Jocelin, Fiona, December, Pui Cheng, Jaymee, Tricia... if your names were not mentioned, it is not that I had forgotten about you, just drop me an email, I would post your name up.

Way to go~ all Jiro's lovers~~let's continue to show him our support~~~


Thursday, June 24, 2010 @ 4:47 PM


小何在淩晨兩點鈡,就來接我們了~ 路途會很遠哦~大概是4個多小時的行程。我們到機場接了EMILY, 就出發往高雄了。

可是呢~ 我怎麽也無法想起,當天我們從台北到高雄的行程,只記得我們在半途中,有停下來吃“炒米粉”, 之後還有發生什麽事,一點都記不起來,睡昏了~~

我們到高雄,已經是差不多7/8 點鐘了吧~~嘻嘻嘻嘻~~記不起來。只知道當時已經有粉絲在排隊了,也見到了JOEY。

當天1點鐘, 還有另一位歌手的簽名會,大東的活動延遲了半個小時。

該到場的“工作人員”沒有出現, 狀況多多~ 還好有我們這群“急智”的粉絲,稍微與城品的工作人員配合,排隊的次序也就定了下來。充當“工作人員”的工作,其實也蠻有趣的, 我很願意再試試看。哈哈哈哈!


好不容易~ 擠到前排~ 還沒做好準備,大東上臺了~~天啊!! 趕緊把東西扔到地上,拿起相機猛拍!!哎喲啊~~ 怎麽這麽亂的?








接下來,我就與AMELIA站在台下,提著我們的燈板,繼續的拍照。這一次,我終于成功地捕捉了大東向我比ROCKER手勢的照片。以往,每當他向我這手勢時,我總是興奮到相機亂晃, 那還會有好的照片呢!可是這一次,我成功了!!開心!!!不過拍了之後,腿軟了~哈哈哈~確實是沒有用啦~~

大東還在現場, 秀了段GEE舞~~好可愛哦!



On 20 June, we moved out at 2am in the morning. It was a 4 hours plus journey from Taipei to Kaoshiung.

We fetched Emily from the airport and off we went~ the long journey ride to Kaoshiung.

To tell the truth, I totally have no idea how we got to our destination, just remembered that we did stopover for a quick supper. That's all, the rest of the journey, I believed I must have knocked out~

There were already fans queuing up when we reached Kaoshiung, Joey was already there too.

There was a bit of hiccups over the queuing, but with the help of "quick-witted" fans, things were back to order.

As there was another autograph session before Jiro's autograph session, you could imagine how messy the crowd could be. Thus, when the EmCee wanted us to queue according to our numbers, deep in my heart, I was thinking~ you think it is possible?

We were struggling to walk to the front of the stage, and before we could get in line,Jiro was already on stage. Dumped our stuff on the floor, and started snapping away~~Oh my God~~ that sure was chaotic~hahaha~ Thank goodness that I still managed to capture some good shots.

On stage, I was kind of puzzled when Jiro spoke to me in Cantonese, complimenting that I looked good. Hmmm...was he referring to the MUA tee I was wearing or my new hairstyle...hahahaha....whatever~~

As we need to rush to the next venue, did not stay for the autograph session.

Another 1 hour plus journey from Kaoshiung to Taichung, similar to the earlier trip, totally knocked out in the car~~slept right through.

The stage at Taichung was not very big, but really need to compliment the fans there, so well mannered and orderly, an action that we need to learn.

The autograph session started at 730pm, as this was the last session, I told myself, I must speak up and tell Jiro that I would be leaving the next day. Guess what was his answer "我知道啊!”Totally speechless~~hahahaha ~~

Next, I joined Amelia below the stage, with our LED boards and camera, busy snapping away!! And finally, I managed to capture a good shot of him showing me the Rocker sign~ in the past, whenever he showed this sign at me, I would get so excited that simply no chance of snapping a clear shot of that. But this time round, I succeeded~~yeah!!

Jiro even showed us the "Gee!" dance, though I totally have no idea of what that was, it was CUTE!

The autograph session ended, though we did follow him all the way from Taichung to Taipei, basically, all of us were fast asleep in the cabs, simply too tired to be engaged in the chasing~~hahaha~~~


@ 1:42 AM





大概在8點左右,有人建議整隊。就是分成三隊,Kappa/現場買書/已經預購的。Kappa 隊就只限前15位粉絲,當他們點算是,第15位就在我們之間切了,我們有5位很幸運的擠入15名裏面。


我們現場買書的那一群也發了號碼牌,大夥兒也安心下樓找東西吃了。這時候, Janelle的老公- Dave,也攜帶女兒- Tessa,抵達活動現場了。他還為我們拍了這張僅有的團體照。





大東見到Janelle一家人時,很熱誠的與他們握手,還與英語與Tessa對話,可愛極了~~結下來是我了,我就只是和他“嗨!”了一聲,就把書本推給他簽。他一面簽,一面問我“這一趟有人陪你來嗎?” 我回答說“有啊!這一次比較多!剛才那一組也是我的朋友。” 說著說著,他伸出了他的手,我也就握了啊!這動作還重復了幾次,好好笑哦~~是否他還記得我在城邦發嘮叨的留言呢??很快的~書簽完了,該下臺了。。不過我還有一大箱沒有簽啊?

我又從新繞到前面,問了那位工作人員,我那一箱怎麽辦,還好他說他馬上替我安排。哈哈哈~有再一次出現在大東的面前了~這一次,他問我“很多書嗎?” 我答復“100多本” “這麽多哦~你怎麽帶過來?” “行李箱咯~沒辦法啊!大家都想擁有你的畫冊。” “那你怎麽運囘啊?” “行李箱咯”怪自己不會與他閒聊,反而是我後面那位粉絲插入話題,唉~~









我也朦朦朧朧的拿了那照片,握著包包,往門外走,只聽到大東說了一句“辛苦了!” 我也只是點了點頭,就跳出門外了~真的是跳出去的哦~太興奮了啦!我還記得我第一句話是“Oh my God!! I touched his waist!!! I actually got to touch his waist!!" 




Oh my God!! I need to translate the above? Ok...I would try my best~~~

On 19 June, we moved out as early as 545am in the morning for the Taipei venue. This was the first time I met Janelle in person.

There was already a group of people in the queue when we reached Sogo, we followed suit. The queue got longer as time passed.

Someone suggested to divide the queue into Kappa/Book Purchase on the spot/Those who already got the books. Pretty well organised, though there were some grudges here and there.

For the Kappa queue, only the first 15 for the day would get a chance to have a polaroid picture with Jiro. 5 of us managed to squeezed into the 15, considered very lucky!

Jiro arrived around 2pm, he looked so handsome with the pastel pink shirt and white pants. Took lots of pictures on that day.

The EmCee had a brief interview with him, followed by the "ice breaking session", the autograph session started.

From 2 plus till 7 in the evening, Jiro did not stop signing.DCW came to show their support too!!

After the autograph session, the Kappa photograph session followed.This was where we managed to get our precious photo with Jiro~~


Wednesday, June 23, 2010 @ 8:02 PM


好快哦~ 4天3日的行程就這麽結束了。雖然過得有點快,不過卻很充實。各地的朋友, 因爲大東的簽書會而集合在一起,我相信這一趟行程對我們這一組人來説,都留下珍貴的回憶。

6月18日早上6點30分, 就與RENDY預約在機場會合。我們是搭乘Cathay Pacific航班,必須在香港轉機, 才能到達我們的目的地~台灣!

大概是在下午3點中抵達台北機場,Amelia也在這個時候從大馬飛過來了。也與其他的朋友聯絡上:兩位Nicole, Aor, Larien與Janelle。


到場時,見到了幾張熟悉的面孔,當然也見到一些“不想見”的人,不過大伙兒都是來看大東的,也就沒多加理會他。大東好像是在那兒拍什麽綜藝節目,他一出來,粉絲就一窩蜂的擁上前,只聽見Amos一直在重復“不要給他東西簽。。” 我遞上了我給他的禮物,他好像沒認出我也,也難怪啦~我剛剪了個新髮型。。鳴。。鳴。。。噢!忘了加上一句, 大東還是那麽帥!


回到宿舍時,大家都累垮了。不過呢~還不能夠休息,因爲還得點算運輸過來的畫冊~~啊!還得與朋友們聯絡, 安排隔天的行程。哎喲~~怎麽這麽忙啊?!

一切安排妥當之後,都已經是淩晨三點多了, 不到一個小時的時間, 有得叫醒大伙兒,準備出發咯~~台北場簽書會!!!!

一想到我得扛那70本畫冊到現場,我的頭就很大~~唉!!誰叫咱們家大東的畫冊這麽受歡迎, 為了回饋這些支持者,多辛苦都得撐著!!加油哦!!Corina!!

Well~ Folks! I am back!

Though it was a very rushed trip, it definitely was a fruitful and memorable one for many of us.

Rendy and myself took the transit flight by Cathay Pacific, reached Changi Airport at 630am on 18 June, need to transit at Hong Kong before reaching Taiwan.

We reached Taipei International Airport at about 3pm, Amelia also landed at around the same timing. Got in touch with the rest of the group, the 2 Nicoles, Aor, Larien and Janelle. Received news that Jiro is on his way to "Fu-Hsin Trade and Art School", got Xiao He to drive us there directly....that's right....with our luggages~~

It seemed that Jiro was there to shoot for some entertainment show, when he came out, all fans (which included some familiar faces, and some "arrrgh" faces) rushed to surround him. Amos kept them off (but some super glue still managed to stick~~experto!!), he told fans not to pass stuff for Jiro to autograph. As I stretched out my hand to pass Jiro my gift, he just looked at me~~OMG!!He did not seem to recognise me, must be the new hair cut~~sad~~~

After sending him off, the group of us visited his art exhibition hall, bought the charity postcards, took some pictures and we went off to settle our very first meal in Taiwan!!

All of us were exhausted by the time we reached our hostel, but the day is not over yet, as we still need to take stock of the books which were delivered~~yes~~THE BOOKS WHICH WOULD BE NEEDED FOR THE AUTOGRAPH SESSIONS!!

And I need to make arrangement for the rest to meet for next day's event, by the time every thing cleared, it was already 3 plus in the morning, in another 1 hour plus, I would need to wake to rest up to get ready for the  event: TAIPEI AUTOGRAPH SESSION!!

I need to bring about 70 books for the Taipei session, this was really one tough assignment! But for the sake of Jiro and his supporters, I must remain STRONG! The thought of having to see Jiro again kept me going too!!
